Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech

Fee and payment deadline

Coming from HEI from EU, please check with your university if you can apply for the Erasmus short term mobility scholarship. 

payment date fee partner institution and UNITE!*
regular registration 31.05.2025 1200 Euro 1100 Euro
early bird registration 15.04.2025 1100 Euro 1000 Euro

*Please consult your International Office on valid Interinstitutional or Erasmus+ Agreements

How to apply?

  • Fill in the on-line application form 
  • You will receive the confirmation e-mail. If not, please contact us at
  • The deadline for registration is 31.05.2025
  • The payment is due to 31.05.2025

If you apply and pay before 15th of Aprill you will get an early bird discount!

We advise not to wait until the last moment with the payment. Mind that there is a limit of 10 students per course. The order of admission to the 3E+ programme shall depend on the order of receiving the payments by Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

In the case of withdrawal from a course before 31.05.2024 the whole amount of the course fee shall be reimbursed.

In the case of withdrawal from a course before up to 21 days before the course starts a charge of 25% of the course fee will be imposed. After this deadline no reimbursement is possible. Any cancellation must be executed in writing either by e-mail (, mail no later than the deadline.

In the case that a course is cancelled participants will receive notice at the latest 21 days before the course is scheduled to begin. Fees that have already been paid will be refunded. Any further claims are excluded.

Payement detailes

Account number / IBAN: PL 16 1090 2402 0000 0001 3399 2518

Bank’s name: Santander Bank Polska S.A
Bank’s address: 50-373 Wrocław, ul. Norwida 1/3

Receiver: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland

With a note: "3E+ Summer School 2025, name and surname of the participant".

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025