Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech



The projects are implemented under the program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange - SPINAKER - Intensive International Education Programs. The program is financed from the non-competition project no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16 / 18 "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs" under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program.

This summer we invite students to join our CREATE Summer Schools within th eframework of SPINAKER NAWA Programme. Courses are designed for hybride mode. They are scheduled for summer 2022 - exact dates as per information on individual courses. All the participants will meet for one week on-site in the week 25th - 29th July 2022 to study and explore Wrocław and Poland. Participants selected for the course will receive a scholarship.

The culture and historical module, the integrate part of the winter school, will be held just before of straight after the faculty course during the day (the detailed programme will be provided individually to participants).



Application deadline: 15th June

Please note that we will contact only selected candidates.

Participation documents (for selected participants only):

1. Declaration of participation in the project, Annex 1

2. Participant personal data form, Annex 2

3. Declaration of the project participant, Appendix 3

4. Declaration of the project participant, Appendix 4b

5. Additional consent of the project participant to data processing, Appendix 5b

Please read carefully documents, print it out, sign and send back the scan of all the documents. Please note that we can accept only documents in COLOUR.

Universal Design in Architecture summer school provide students with the skills to practically apply the principles of Universal Design and accessibility diagnosis both in public spaces and in the design of residential spaces considering individual or collective special needs, in particular people with disabilities and the elderly. Educating a new generation of designers representing a human-centered approach to design is one of the activities that bring us closer to realizing the idea of a civil society based on the principles of equal opportunities and nondiscrimination. Summer school demonstrate the integrative role of Universal Design in the functioning of communities, by ensuring that as many people as possible can use architectural space independently and autonomously. Participants will experience architectural barriers through personal experience during simulation workshops. The course will be based on theoretical and practical parts, grouped in thematic blocks.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Knowledge of the concept of Universal Design,
  • Knowledge of accessible design and its principles,
  • Knowledge of research based on users’ needs and user experience,
  • Skills of analysing, observing, and experimenting with design.

Competence in basics of architectural design, technical drawing and creating visuali- zations.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The aim of the course is presentation a revolution which appeared in architecture of the first half of the 20th century. The following topics will be discussed: from histo- ricisms and Art Nouveau to the new style; precursors of Modernism - Peter Behrens, Hermann Muthesius, Adolf Loos, Hans Poelzig, August Perret …; Expressionism; Fun- ctionalism in two formal trends - geometric and organic forms; new style laboratories - Bauhaus, Werkbund, CIAM; the “colorful city” trend.

On the history background the problems concerning conservation of the 20. century architecture will be presented: what to appreciate - the language of modernist archi- tecture; German school for the conservation of modernist buildings; the Netherlands and its achievements in the field of conservation of modernist architecture; problems related to the conservation of modernist buildings in other European countries - successes and failures; Wrocław - programs for the protection of modernist heritage; Conservation Management Plan (CMP) - a new standard of monument protection.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Knowledge of the theory and practice related to the transformation of the architec- tural form of the first half of the 20th century,
  • Knowledge of architects’ approach to new problems that appeared in the 20th century,
  • Knowledge concerning features of architecture belonging to the modern movement of various formal trends,
  • Knowledge concerning problems related to the restoration of modernist buildings entered in the register of monuments.

No prerequisites.

ECTS credits: 2 (30 hours)

The course is part of educafion in the field of urban design, based on theorefical knowledge and pracfical skills in shaping urban spaces. The classes will be a combinafion of design classes and forms of lectures with a discussion enabling acfive parficipafion, understanding the issues, acquiring knowledge and transforming it into specific solufions and design goals. The course will be conducted by a team with varied (specialisfic) experience and professional interests. The course concerns the renewal of space between buildings by transforming the exisfing, dysfuncfional and poorly developed or degraded public space (e.g. street, square, etc.). The topics dedicated to the design course are selected from the currently defined (by city authorifies, associafions, etc.) problemafic, noteworthy places in the city. The task of students, at the beginning, is to diagnose problems related to the exisfing place, and then to propose their own development concept, which will increase the aesthefics, but also the funcfionality and usability of this space.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Acquainting students with the issues related to the interdisciplinary nature of architectural and urban design,
  • The ability to identify the needs of various groups of inhabitants (in terms of functions and spatial land development),
  • The ability to develop a concept for the development of public space focused on the implementation of the diagnosed needs of inhabitants,
  • The ability to use the experience acquired during the course to perform a crifical analysis of condifions and formulate conclusions for design in an interdisciplinary context,
  • The ability to prepare a graphic, written, and oral presentation of their original own, original urban design concepts.

No entry requirements.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The course serves architecture adepts to supercharge their practical skills in preparation of context and visualise design site. It is dedicated to keen novices who want to grow their talents in using design and presentation tools. They will be guided by a practitioner-designer using these methods on regular work. There will be shown how to utilise an owned camera and computing power of the GPU. It is amazing how astonishing results can be obtained with open-source and low-cost software. We will practice methods of preparation photos for photogrammetry and try to summon a 3D model. We will enchant light spirit and do some VR inspections. If we model some details, I hope, our 3d printer meets the challenge. I’d like to show You that a well equipped workplace for a freelance designer can be quite affordable.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Practical methods of preparing photogrammetric reconstructions,
  • Ways of using spatial reconstructions for contextual modelling,
  • Faster 3d modelling using hot keys shortcuts (We will use Blender),
  • Methods of preparing scenes for renderings and VR inspections,
  • Knowledge of 3d printer setup.


No entry requirements. To make the best use of the course, it is advised that the par- ticipant dispose of a camera (>12Mpix, good mobile is enough) and owe a computer with Nvidia GPU. The student is allowed to work on own computer.

ECTS credits: 3 (45 hours)

The “Innovative Design Studio: Forming the public architecture with landscape in the built environment” focuses each time on one of the major cities in Central and Eastern Europe and studies mediumsize urban sites. This year we will have an exceptional opportunity to design in both local and exotic surroundings as we focus on designing architectural objects in various locations within Wrocław ZOO ( com/watch?v=EGxQ7AzogVQ). The design theme focuses on the bionic green architecture of the multifunctional conference and exhibition pavilion that ensures harmony between built and the natural environment, maintaining ecological balance, and achieving the sustainable development. Students will be dealing with various themes (e.g., spatial, energy, societal, acoustical), sharing insights and perspectives about the multifaceted future challenges of public architecture within a given context. Students will work together also in designing part of their own study pathway by means of workshops, lectures, excursions, and other (extra) curricular activities.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Theoretical and practical knowledge to develop new concepts, functional pro- grams, methods and practices of thinking and designing architecture,
  • Knowledge of innovative design methods and contemporary trends, e.g., research by design, system thinking, design thinking,
  • Skills to creatively design public buildings wit complex functions and spatial programmes, in various urban contexts using an on-line educational platform, compu- ters, BIM and holistic microclimate modelling software.

Required: competence in basics of architectural design.
Desirable: ability to effectively utilize with contemporary architectural design sof- tware, e.g. AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Revit, SketchUp.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The course aims to broaden the knowledge of technical drawing, technological and design solutions. The aim of the course is to introduce foreign students to technical drawing as a universal language of architecture and to broaden the knowledge of building solutions in different regions depending on local conditions. During the course, there will be presentations supporting the design work, introducing selected issues related to the design of singlefamily houses and small service buildings (e.g. fire protection, green roofs, roof drainage, terrace structure over a heated and unheated room, etc.). Additionally, a trip to the Stary Zamek is planned, where there is a church from the third quarter of the 13th century, where you will be able to visit the 17th / 18th century roof truss. There will be a visit to the church and a presentation on the renovation of the roof truss.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • will have expanded knowledge in technical drawing, construction, and architectu- ral documentation creation,
  • will be able to elaborates on detailed design,
  • will be able to carry out an architectural and construction design of a single-family building or a small service building with an area of up to 1000 m2,
  • will able to solve problems related to, among others, the construction of the bu- ilding, the correct design of various building envelope elements, including energy requirements.


Basic knowledge of CAD programme.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The aim of the workshop is to design architectural objects that enhance social interaction, local community cooperation and cultural awareness in chosen urban areas. The participants will be grouped into teams of 5 - 8 members from different universities. The workshops will include research on certain urban areas, their potential needs, preparation of scenarios for actions, social and cultural activities, preparation of conceptual design. Next, the concepts will be discussed during the midterm presentations and further developed in terms of structural design and realisation with particular focus on reducing its environmental impact. The chosen projects will have a chance to be built as realscale prototypes in another workshops that will take place in Wrocław between 8th and 14th August 2022 as a separate event. Please have a look at:

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Ability of international group cooperation,
  • Ability to exchange knowledge from different cultural backgrounds,
  • Online presentation skills,
  • Knowledge of pro-ecological materials in architecture and design,
  • Knowledge of preparation of conceptual and executive project of small architectu- ral objects.


Ability for international online cooperation.
Knowledge of architectural design software such as AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino etc. Basic knowledge in architecture and urban design.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The course is based on drawing, painting, sculpting and design workshops, supplemented by presentations of selected issues. Each of the classes and tasks performed during them will tackle a different problem on developing compositional skills. The course aims to broaden the skills of artistic drawing, painting, sculpting and other techniques of designing space on a plane. To develop spatial imagination and compositional skills to create spatial arrangements in various modelling techniques. During the curriculum, a student learns to recognize the importance of non-technical aspects and effects of an architect’s design work, including its impact on the cultural and natural environment.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Development of general plastic awareness,
  • Basic ability to use selected, traditional drawing and sculpting materials and tech- nologies,
  • Finding and using in design, features bordering on sculpture, architecture and design,
  • Knowledge of the basic issues in the field of spatial shaping,
  • Expanding drawing, sculpting and painting skills.


Openness, engagement and creativity.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The original calculation methods based on the theory of the flow of forces in the form of streams in the construction material allow for the shaping of the basic structural elements of the building. The elements of structural design include the connection of force systems acting on the building with its form and functional solutions. Initial discretization of construction materials enables simplified calculations for architectural conceptual design. A holistic approach to integrated design enables the implementation of optimization procedures in the very early stages of design. Constructing static diagrams of reinforced concrete elements based on projections of buildings, comparisons of loads acting on structural elements they allow to obtain building forms taking into account its physical conditions. The analysis of these objects will make it possible to get acquainted with his original methods of designing most structural elements of buildings.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Knowledge of strength properties of concrete and steel,
  • Knowledge of constructing reinforced concrete elements,
  • Knowledge of reinforced concrete structure in the body of a building,
  • Skills to design forms of reinforced slab and rib structures, reinforced concrete co- atings,
  • Conducting analyzes of the stiffness systems of the building structure.


Skills in recording algebraic calculations and drawing static diagram using computers.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The course is aimed at in-depth introducfion to the bioclimafic architecture and its newest tendencies. The parficipants will gain the knowledge on bioclimafic design in cultural, climafic and biological context. Within the course students will learn which data should be collected onsite and they will get familiar with adequate analysis and design methodologies. Appropriate environmental strategies will be aligned with structural and technological solufions. The accessibility and effecfiveness of renewable energy sources will be completed with the energy storage potenfial assessment. The parficipants will work in small interdisciplinary teams with aim to perform in-situ preliminary research, analyse the limits and opportunifies of selected sites, prepare a funcfional program and develop a bioclimafic building project correctly embedded in the cultural and natural environment.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion

  • Knowledge on bioclimatic and regenerative design principles,
  • Knowledge and understanding of environmental strategies in bioclimatic design,
  • Skills to conduct practical analysis of cultural, climatic (wind, light, temperature, etc.) and biological (plants, small animals, geological conditions, etc.) context, using adequate software,
  • Skills to select and design structural (e.g. demountable, zero-waste, etc.) and technological (Building Management Systems, Combined Heat and Power Systems, integration of Renewable Energy Sources, etc.) building systems, including sustainable material selection (based on Life Cycle Analysis, embodied energy and environmental assessment),
  • Skills to apply the newly gained knowledge in an architectural project of a bioclimatic building.


General ability to develop an architectural design. General awareness of the current state of knowledge and the latest development trends in contemporary ecological architecture.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with issues around an adaptation of historical interiors to modern requirements. The course consists of two parts: short theoretical introduction and a practical part, which will include students developing and delivering a project. The course will start from presentation of rules in conservatory practice and theory of conservation. Some of the best projects’ examples will also be given. During the practical part of the course, students will learn about modern methods of surveying the architectural condition of historical interiors (photogrammetry and VR model preparations basics). Modern technologies used in designing objects/facilities and services (Design Thinking) will be covered too. Additionally, students will learn how to correctly conduct assessment and exposition of the monument’s preserved fixtures, as well as what to consider when assigning a new usage to a historical interior so its unique features are not lost.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion:

  •  Knowledge of modern and historic floors,
  •  Knowledge of modern and historic wall finishes,
  •  Knowledge of modern exposition and lightning,
  •  Skills of adaptation of historic interiors to the new function,
  •  Basic skills of Photogrammetry,
  •  Skills of human needs based on design according to Design Thinking method.      


Ability to produce architectural drawings and visualisations.

ECTS credits: 4 (60 hours)

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025