Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech

Behind us


The projects are implemented under the program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange - SPINAKER - Intensive International Education Programs. The program is financed from the non-competition project no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16 / 18 "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs" under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program.

Application deadline: 08.10.2021

25th - 29th October 2021

CET Time: 13:30-18:00 faculty courses.

New Delhi Time: 16:00-20:30

Ankara Time: 14:30-19:00

Jakarta time: 18:30 - 23:00

GMT: 11:30-16:00 

The culture and historical module, the integrate part of the winter school, will be held just before of straight after the faculty course during the day (the detailed programme will be provided individually to participants).  

Recruitment Regulations

Please note that we will contact only selected candidates.

Participation documents (for selected participants only):

1. Declaration of participation in the project, Annex 1

2. Participant personal data form, Annex 2

3. Declaration of the project participant, Appendix 3

4. Declaration of the project participant, Appendix 4b

5. Additional consent of the project participant to data processing, Appendix 5b

Please read carefully documents, print it out, sign and send back the scan of  all the documents. Please note that we can accept only documents in COLOUR.


Wroclaw University of Science and Technology invites you to apply for one of our free on-line courses:



This winter school is an international program which aims to provide foreign students with a basics knowledge and skills in the key fields pertaining to renewable energy. It offers a few specialised courses, including lectures, laboratories and projects, covering a wide range of topics such as: explosive properties of sewage sludge, biofuels and alternative fuels, production of high purity hydrogen and its consumption in profuel cells, experimental and numerical performance analysis of a liquid heating flat-plate solar collector, PV panels - characteristics and operational conditions. During the laboratories and projects students are involved in some experiments and problem solving activities associated with the subject of the courses. The programme is realized in collaboration with various Departments of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion
• Basic knowledge on selected issues in the key fields of renewable energy including physics of renewable energy conversion, properties of biofuels and experimental methods of biofuel characterization, hydrogen techniques in industry, heat transfer processes occurring during flat-plate solar collector operation and analysis of the operational parameters for PV panel;
• Skills to solve selected problems related to renewable sources of energy;
• Basic skills to analyse operational characteristics of PV cells;
• Basic skills with the TRNSYS software and numerical analysisof flat-plate solar collectors;

Competence in mathematical analysis II, basic physics course, basics of electrochemistry, heat transfer.


The Refrigeration and Cryogenics winter school deals with the methods and technologies of obtaining below ambient temperatures. Refrigeration includes technologies used in such popular devices as domestic refrigerators and freezers, air conditioners or heat pumps, but also in industrial installations with high cooling capacity, e.g. in food processing. Some specialised refrigeration devices can reach temperatures as low as -80oC. Cryogenics comprise the methods of obtaining the temperatures below 120K (-153oC), down to a mile Kelvin above absolute zero. It provides a permanent gas liquefaction technology, economical storage and transport of large amounts of gases, e.g. LNG, high-capacity gas mixtures separation or thermal stabilisation of the superconducting devices. The winter school introduces a theoretical and practical knowledge on how to lower the temperature of a different objects or how to handle substances with extremely low temperature. It covers selected issues related to design of heat pumps, methods of natural cooling, calculation of cryogenic cycles, or heat transfer at cryogenic temperatures.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion:
• Knowledge of designing and operation of heat pump;
• Knowledge of thermodynamic processes used for natural cooling;
• Knowledge of properties of cryogenic fluids and materials, their transport, storage and safety handling;
• Skills to prepare the simulation to calculate the basic cryogenic refrigeration cycles with DWSIM software;
• Basic knowledge of the selected heat transfer mechanisms in cryogenic systems.

Competence in basics of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, heat transfer, knowledge of the Mollier diagram.


This winter school is an in ternational programme which aims to provide foreign students with a basics knowledge and skills in the key fields pertaining to nuclear energy. It offers a few specialized courses, including lectures, laboratories and projects, covering a wide range of topics from nuclear reactor physics, thermal hydraulics and radiation protection to fusion, and nuclear power plant operation and safety. During the laboratories and projects students are involved in some e xperiments and problem solving tasks activities associated with the subject of the courses. The programme is realized in collaboration with various Departments of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of theschool after its completion: 
• Basic knowledge on selected issues in the key fields of nuclear energy including nuclear physics, heat transfer in nuclear reactor, design and operation of nuclear reactor, nuclear safety and radiation protection.
• Basic knowledge on selected issues related to nuclear fusion.
• Skill to solve selected problems related to nuclear power engineering.
• Basic skill to analyse an operational characteristics of NPP during transients and selected accident conditions.
• Basic ability to calculate the effective dose and to select a proper shield against ionising radiation.
• Basic ability to calculate heat transfer related to nuclear and fusion reactors.

Competence in mathematics, physics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, basic mathematics and chemistry, including radioactivity phenomenon, heat transfer, nuclear power plants, chemistry.


This Winter School is an international programme, which aims to provide foreign students with basic knowledge and skills in the key fields pertaining to computer-aided mechanical and power engineering. It offers a few specialized courses, including lectures,
laboratories, and projects, covering a wide range of topics from high-level structured language, mechanical, thermal–flow simulations in ANSYS software, and artificial intelligence to control the operation of energy. During the laboratories and projects, students are involved in some experiments and problem solving tasks activities associated with the subject of the courses. The programme is realised in collaboration with various departments of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Skills and knowledge obtained by the participant of the school after its completion:
• Basic knowledge on selected issues in the key fields of analytical techniques for solving the thermal conductivity equation, the methods of discretization of first and second-order derivatives, the explicit and implicit scheme, and the Crank-Nicolson scheme.
• Basic knowledge on multiphase flow structures under conditions associated with micro-and hypergravity, the dimensionless numbers describing the flow structures.
• The knowledge on turbomachinery energy conservation in a single stage of steam turbine; influence of velocity triangle on load conditions of a steam turbine blade; finite element method in strength analysis of turbine blade system.
• Practical implementation in Ansys software of the numerical techniques for solving the fluid flow in a rotating frame, the methods of geometry, and numerical mesh creation; description of the numerical methods used to model fluid flows in a rotating frame of reference.
• Basic capability of applying artificial intelligence and other techniques in PYTHON software for analysing and studying the results obtained from field experiments.

Knowledge of mathematical analysis II and algebra, thermodynamics; Strength of materials and solid mechanics, fundamentals of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025