Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech


This course aims to provide participants with information on fuel properties, with particular emphasis on biofuels, and the impact of their use on environmental protection. The course will provide knowledge related to fuel economy - types of fuels, standards, the ability to manufacture and store fuels, etc.

The following topics will be covered:

-the characteristics of liquid and gaseous fuels in relation to the composition of fumes in terms of their impact on the natural environment,

-technologies for the production of fuels, especially alternative fuels and biofuels along with the use of new separation methods for the purification of waste streams and the recovery of valuable compounds,

-issues related to the use of supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries that affect the development of motoring.

The projects implemented by the participants of the course will be related to both the characteristics of biofuels and technologies for their acquisition, taking into account the latest trends in this field, as well as the use of membranes and supercapacitors.

Students will work in small teams and the results of their work will be presented during the course and evaluated by the teacher at the final meeting.

Robotization and automation of processes, remote operation of machines, devices and sensors are

issues directly connected with the current trends of a modern manufacturing. The idea of the course

is to present the current state-of-art manufacturing processes, followed by automation and

robotization and Industry 4.0 approach. During the classes, students will learn about following

contemporary solutions applicable in modern production systems:

  • programming of industrial robots (Fanuc, Yaskawa, Kawasaki) that perform advanced joining,

forming and other processes related to engineering materials,

  • technology development for different joining processes of metals (preparation of raw

materials, selection of feedstock materials and process parameters, etc.) and application of

selected technological tests for quality assessment,

  • using industrial robots and manipulators for coating technologies by thermal spraying

methods (twin-wire arc spraying, plasma spraying, cold spraying),

  • design, production and post processing of parts by 3D printing technology,
  • advanced programming of automation elements (PLC controllers, network blocks, actuators

and sensors) used in industrial networks and communication interfaces.

The 21st century is marked by an ever-growing need for sustainability and problem-solving with innovations. Technology has revolutionized our lives, work, travel, communication, and more. In every field, be it engineering, management, entrepreneurship, education, research, or politics, the expectation is to do more with fewer resources. This is where Design Thinking comes in. It is a tool that can be applied at any level, in any role, and in any organization to achieve sustainable and innovative solutions.  The 3E Summer School offers this course, "Sustainability and Problem-Solving with Innovations", that introduces you to the concept of Sustainability, Problem-Solving, The DNA of new innovation, and Design Thinking. The course is designed in such a way that it Guides you through each stage of the process, from problem identification to prototyping and testing, and equips you with the skills to apply it to a practical, feasible project. Join us for this course and unlock your potential for sustainable problem-solving and innovation.

Universal Design in Architecture summer school provide students with the skills to practically apply the principles of Universal Design and accessibility diagnosis both in public spaces and in the design of residential spaces considering individual or collective special needs, in particular people with disabilities and the elderly. Educating a new generation of designers representing a human-centered approach to design is one of the activities that bring us closer to realizing the idea of a civil society based on the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Summer school demonstrate the integrative role of Universal Design in the functioning of communities, by ensuring that as many people as possible can use architectural space independently and autonomously. Participants will experience architectural barriers through personal experience during simulation workshops. The course will be based on theoretical and practical parts, grouped in thematic blocks.


Competence in basics of architectural design, technical drawing and creating visualizations.


The main goal of the course is to teach students the holistic approach to the design of the low energy demand buildings with special emphasis on the utilisation of renewable energy in building installations, application of heat recovery systems and maintaining thermal comfort of users. The course focuses on thermal comfort and heat production (to supply heating and domestic hot water systems) for low energy buildings. The subject covers solutions based on sustainable design including for example solar thermal collectors, air-to-water heat pumps, energy recovery heat exchangers in air handling units, etc. Students will participate mostly in active forms like laboratory, calculus and simple project. All practical exercises will be preceded by short lectures.

You will be introduced to the best practices of designing reliable and redundant computer network topologies. The aim will be the creation of networks resistant to various types of failures. Redundancy issues in the second and third layer will be raised. Then, various methods of computer networks management will be presented. First, the standard methods of configuration and IOS systems management. Secondly, modern methods of programming SDN networks will be practiced, during which students will train the centralized configuration of devices using Python scripts and the API of IOS systems. Second part of the course is devoted to securing networks and network devices against attacks and overload. The final part will be devoted to monitoring and analyzing network traffic and detecting threats or attacks. Students, individually or in groups, will have the task of creating a redundant network, protected against various types of attacks for a chosen case study. Classes are conducted in a physical laboratory of computer networks based on Cisco devices. A virtual environment in the form of Packet Tracer simulator, GNS3 emulator and virtual machines of the real networking operating systems will also be used for support.

According to CareerCast, Data Scientist is one of the best job of recent years. It requires a unique blend of skills from three disciplines: mathematics (especially statistics), computer science (especially data analysis) and domain knowledge (in the field it will be applied), which is very attractive to many employers. Strong computer science skills and different approach to data analysis, based on scientific method, is what makes Data Scientists different from statisticians. At the same time, Python is becoming a language of choice for many data scientists, next to languages like Scala and statistical packages like R. It is also the first programming language many people learn, no matter their age. This course gives you a chance to quickly build up your Python skills, learn basics of how data scientist works and apply all this to a project on a real, large data sets. This course is highly practical.

The development of new, sophisticated experimental setups requires the integration of many independent components into one, complex device. This task could be easily done with the use of so-called virtual instruments, that control all hardware devices from one software platform. Virtual instruments could be additionally assisted with electronic appliances, composed of components that nowadays are often available in a form of evaluation boards and modules. Unlike commercial laboratory equipment, custom-built devices provide unique features, that allow for exploration of unknown areas of natural sciences. In this course, we present the concept of virtual instruments and provide basic knowledge on electronics and electrical measurements. We focus on the practical application, demonstrating building blocks that could be easily implemented in laboratory practice. The course will be divided into three parts: lectures, hands-on laboratories, and group projects.

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