Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech

Why 3E+?

YOU are welcome to join our special edition of 3E+ School for the first time in winter season and on-line!

Meet us on weekend days between 16th January and 21st of February!

The course "Design Thinking for Innovation in 21st Century" It’s a tool that will be helpful to you at any level, any role and in any organization you work in or run. Design Thinking also equips you to become an innovative thinking and to unearth creative opportunities that are around you.

We offer YOU:

- 60 hours of specialized courses in a friendly atmosphere-
  great international experience
- 4 ECTS points
-  participants from all over the world
-  individual approach to each of the participants

Don't miss the opportunity to study at WUST-  the region’s unquestionable leader and one of the best and most innovative technical universities in Poland!

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025