Summer Schools at Wrocław Tech


The idea of the course ‘Auditoria Design – Architectural Acoustics’ is to present theoretical knowledge and teach practical skills, in shaping architecture for its’ optimal acoustical performance. The combination of studio design workshop form, with broad knowledge on sound and architecture – with their mutual influence – passed on lectures and seminars, allow participants to gain usable and thorough understanding of acoustical field properties in a room planning. Comprehensive review connected with projects of diversified auditoria halls, meant for: speech, music, art performance or religious celebrations – like concert halls, theatres, opera houses, temples, higher education rooms –  are aiming at enriching and expanding knowledge on architectural acoustics of students majoring in architecture.

Joanna Jabłońska, PhD
Paweł Amałowicz, Ph
Romuald Tarczewski, PhD

The main aim of the proposed course is to provide knowledge concerning procedures and advanced testing methods which can be applied for quality control and technical evaluation of different building and civil engineering structures. Proposed subject is intended to introduce students with basic principles and practical applications of several modern testing systems are discussed. Particular attention is focussed on the NDT methods (Non Destructive Testing) that can be applied for „in-situ” examination. One of the most important aspects of proposed course is to offer for students a possibility for practical training in using modern testing systems in laboratory and „in-situ” conditions. 

Andrzej Moczko, PhD
Marta Moczko, PhD 
Henryk Nowak, prof.
Jan Biliszczuk, prof.

Faculty of Chemistry
This course aims to provide participants with information on fuel properties, with particular emphasis on biofuels, and the impact of their use on environmental protection. The course will provide knowledge related to fuel economy - types of fuels, standards, the ability to manufacture and store fuels, etc.
The following topics will be covered:
-the characteristics of liquid and gaseous fuels in relation to the composition of fumes in terms of their impact on the natural environment,
-technologies for the production of fuels, especially alternative fuels and biofuels along with the use of new separation methods for the purification of waste streams and the recovery of valuable compounds,
-issues related to the use of supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries that affect the development of motoring.
The projects implemented by the participants of the course will be related to both the characteristics of biofuels and technologies for their acquisition, taking into account the latest trends in this field, as well as the use of membranes and supercapacitors.
Students will work in small teams and the results of their work will be presented during the course and evaluated by the teacher at the final meeting.

Marek Kułażyński, prof.

Outcomes in terms of knowledge:
After completing the course the participant will have knowledge about what are and how work: laser devices, optical network elements, optical reflectometers, optical fibre splicers, EDFAs (Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifiers), and designing a fibre optic network.

Outcomes in terms of skills:
After completing the course the participant will be able to:
use laser devices in a safe way,
measure optical elements parameters,
use optical reflectometer,
perform optical fibre splicing, connectorization and polishing,
measure and construct EDFA,
measure and construct fibre lasers,
design a fibre optic network.

The main goal of the course is to provide participants with knowledge of fibre optic networks. The basic elements of the network and their measurements will be presented and discussed. The concept of design thinking will also be discussed. The participant will also learn how to design fibre optic networks.

The still increasing user's requirements trigger the fast development of communication networks. Therefore, new technologies emerge, however, they bring challenging optimization problems. Another important branch of computer science is the image processing together with learning systems. The capabilities of modern computing devices allow for real-time image processing, finding numerous applications in industry, entertainment and everyday life.
The course focuses on the efficient approaches of modeling and optimization of network problems, as well as on the main issues related to the design and implementation of image processing and learning systems. Students will work with the case study related to relevant and up to date problems for which the solution algorithms are highly required.

The course will guide students through the whole development process of simple IoT application. Starting from Arduino-based environment sensors through wireless communication to the cloud using LoRa low-power radios, to design of data processing and analysis algorithms, and the design of a mobile application.
During the course students will use different technologies (including REST, MQTT, time series forecasting and multi layer perceptrons) and programming languages (C for Arduino, Python for data analysis and server application, and Java for Android application).
Students will learn basic concepts of IoT systems, techniques of data processing and analysis, and will get a grasp of constructing a real life IoT system.

The course will be divided into four, week-long sprints. Each week will end with seminar that will serve as recapitulation of work done in given sprint as well as a presentation of project to other 3E+ Summer School students. Students will also need to spend additional time after organized activities in order to do some research and presentation preparation

Project work will be conducted in Linux operating system, using Python 3.7, C (Arduino), and Java. During organized activities students will have access to the laboratory with PC computers setup for project realisation and hardware required for the project.
However, students are advised to bring their own laptops (or tablets), as some research work and presentation preparation will need to be done after the laboratories.

The main aim of the course is to show and explain Programmable Logic Controllers industrial cases. During the course future engineers will prepare PLC configuration, design and develop solutions for some common practical problems, design and program the distributed system using programmable controllers. The course is focused around explanation of the practical problems encountered in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) on the basis of the Siemens family SIMATIC S7-1200 and S7-1500. The following topics are covered:
? basic aspects of PLC application in industry,
? PLC operation of basic peripherals,
? graphical languages (LADDER or FBD),
? basic programming tools,
? arithmetic and logic operations,
? timers and counters,
? latches and flip-flops.
Each detailed course topic is an introduction to an extensive, practical laboratory exercises.

Piotr Derugo, PhD
Karol Wróbel, PhD

The course consists of two parts and is intended for students of every level. The main aim of the first part is to present graphical programming environment LabView in use to control measurement equipment.
In this part students can start from “level zero” or start to program measurement equipment like power sources, generators, oscilloscopes, digital multimeters or DAQ boards. The result of the first part of the course is creating reports based on obtained data.
The second part of this course is about basic problems and practical aspects of power quality assessment in power systems. After an introduction of general basis, the following problems are presented:
? classes of power quality problems,
? PQ standards,
? PQ smart measurement systems,
? algorithms for power quality assessment.
The course is supplemented by laboratory project based on emission and immunity test of selected load or assessment of power quality using real measurement in power systems.

Grzegorz Kosobudzki, PhD
Grzegorz Dusza, PhD

The main goal of the course is to teach the students the holistic approach to the design of the low energy demand buildings with special emphasis on the utilisation of renewable energy in building installations, application of heat recovery systems and maintaining thermal comfort of users. The course focuses on the subject of thermal comfort, heat production (to su¬pply heating and domestic hot water systems) with additional aspect of passive cooling and heat recovery through ventilation for low energy buil¬dings. The subject covers solutions based on sustainable design including among others solar thermal collectors, air-to-water heat pumps, energy re¬covery heat exchangers in air handling units and ground heat exchangers. Students will participate mostly in active forms like laboratory, calculus and simple project. All practical exercises will be preceded by short lectures.

Natalia Fidorów-Kaprawy, PhD. Eng.
Marta Laska, PhD. Eng.
Krzysztof Piechurski, Msc. Eng.

Design Thinking for Innovation and Sustainable Development

Faculty of Computer Science and Management

The pace of technological innovation has been quite overwhelming since the ending of the 20th century.  21st century is driven by professionals who are at the edge, can discover or foresee problems, understand sustainable development, come up with smart solutions, and be able to implement them. Be it an engineer, a manager, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a researcher or a politician; expectations from them is to do the maximum with the least resources, even more so, post the COVID-19 pandemic. Design Thinking is a five step process that has proven to be effective in such circumstances. World’s top companies, as varied as, Apple, Cisco, GE, IBM, Intuit, Kaiser Permanente, Microsoft, Nike, and Samsung have used design thinking to innovate their products and services. For example, GE’s health care division used design thinking to better understand the needs of customers for its MRI machines, which resulted in an improved experience for children and families. Such experience is important to students before entering the job market, as nowadays companies develop ‘smart information systems’ through design thinking processes that involve multidisciplinary perspectives and diverse teams. This course is a holistic experience into design thinking. It is based on empathy, is human centered and driven by creative thinking for innovation and sustainable development. Students would tackle challenges such as the creation of new products, technological innovation, services, business models, experiences, processes and/or systems, while keeping a strong focus on sustainable development. It will empower the students to ideate, launch, run and successfully complete innovation projects that have a substantial impact for organizations, industries or society. The course comprehends intensive sessions on need finding, empathy, observation, immersion, ethnographic research, brain-/body-storming, ideation, prototyping and testing.


Yash Chawla, Msc. Eng.

The aim of this course is to give participants a full overview of the way the technologies are being developed in the energy field. The course will be laboratory based with some introductory lectures and field trips. The laboratory course will be focused on the experimental research. The biomass and hydrogen, as a representative renewable fuels will be discussed. The use of solid renewable fuels will be presented with the capacity adequate for domestic and power sector up to 200 MW. The laboratory covers production and detailed characterization of different types of renewable fuels, including solid biofuels, biogas and hydrogen production, and also the calculation, analysis and comparison of obtained results. The students gain knowledge about the calculation of biomass and biofuels combustion with pollution control. The students will also learn about analytical techniques suitable for each type of the fuel. Participants will see installations for conversion biomass to biofuels (like torrefaction) and for subsequent combustion in a big scale. All of the performed experiments will show the participants the way to assess the suitability of particular fuel for energy generation. Technologies on different levels of technical maturity will be shown and discussed, so participants will be able to understand the basic principles and the issues behind the development of new technologies. This will be followed by demonstration of the use of CFD calculations in the design process. Participants will see how the software for numerical simulations can be used to assess the performance of the designed device.
At the end of the course the results of the project will be presented by the students. The course gives an unique opportunity to have a glimpse of the challenging process of design and commercialization of cutting edge technologies in the energy sector. We trust that this course will not only be an opportunity to develop practical skills but also inspire new generation of engineers and visionaries to move their concepts from the idea stage to full implementation in the future.

Krzysztof Mościcki, PhD
Łukasz Niedźwiecki
Michał Ostrycharczyk, PhD
Mateusz Wnukowski, PhD
Krystian Krochmalny
Jakub Mularski

The course is focused on the experimental research of solar–assisted HVAC systems. We will start introducing fundamentals of solar energy, being the most plentiful energy source for the earth. Different types of solar collectors and fields of their applications will be discussed. Further, an bioclimatic building’s solar-assisted HVAC system will be presented as an example of how we can decrease the energy use for heating and cooling. Students will have the opportunity to experimentally examine the energy efficiency of solar collectors as well to analyze the operation sequence of the real examples of solar-assisted HVAC systems. The individual components of the solar-assisted HVAC system (including heat and cold storage systems) will be discussed. The hands-on laboratory sessions covers among others performing measurements on the solar elevation and azimuth angles, determination of geographic southwest as well the measurements of global and diffuse solar radiation. The students will gain knowledge about the basic elements of solar-assisted HVAC systems and determining the efficiency of it. They become familiar with the operation control strategies applied into solar-assisted HVAC systems and the use of different sensors applied for real-time system’s monitoring. At the end of the course the results of the project will be presented by the students.

dr hab. inż. Sabina Rosiek-Pawłowska, prof. PWr
dr inż. Bartosz Gil

You will learn about the design (CAD) of the supporting structures of the urban scooters. Pedestrian safety will be discussed during the workshops. The workshops will include a lecture part; where You will learn about the recent advances in strength calculation methods, principles of material selection and durability prediction and damage risk analysis of the complex structures. In the practical part of the course, You will have an opportunity to design the scooter in the numerical environment, supported by some reverse engineering equipment, with practical workshops. Then, each attendant can create a part of the scooter. Due to the main goal of the course – lightweight design, it will be recommended to build in the workshop scooter part made of composite materials like GFK or CFK. Finally, the participant will be acquainted with composite manufacturing methods. It is also planned to carry out the destructive tests of the sub-structure prototypes and then analyse them with the numerical methods. As lecturers will be invited experts in the field of the numerical methods in mechanics and engineering design; reliability and safety analysis, strength calculation methods, mechanical and composite material engineers, biomechanics.

New types of microscopic sensors and actuators are made using technology of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). MEMS devices are organized into mechatronic systems, which can measure signals and perform mechanical actions, so they are crucial components in automotive, biomedical and electronics applications. But how to build and manage MEMS & mechatronic systems?
Use LabVIEW! It is the world’s most popular graphical engineering software for measurements, control, data processing and testing. LabVIEW-based systems are applied in almost every branch of engineering, including: manufacturing, electronics, energetics, transportation, science, and aerospace.
In this course you will learn how to control exemplary mechatronic system with own-developed LabVIEW application with a graphical user interface. And you do not need to be a professional programmer – everyone can learn and use LabVIEW! Check this out by taking part in this Summer School course.

Wojciech Kubicki, PhD. Eng.

Have you ever wondered what are the sensors on a plane and how small they are? How to print a miniature clock mechanism? Or how to analyse DNA in a few minutes? This is the field of miniature devices, called micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) or simply microsystems. During this course you will learn what they are, but also you will touch them and measure some of their properties. Take part in this event to see microengineering laboratory, find how microfluidic pumps are working, measure parameters of avionic sensors, discover miniature transducers for energy harvesting, as well as testing of miniaturized devices, such as different lab-on-chips or an electron sources, that cover various and selected aspects of a human and animal health monitoring. These and many others topics are covers during classes in the Department of Microsystems at Faculty of Microsystems Electronics and Photonics.

Paweł Knapkiewicz, PhD. Eng.

According to CareerCast, Data Scientist is one of the best job of recent years. It requires a unique blend of skills from three disciplines: mathematics (especially statistics), computer science (especially data analysis) and domain knowledge (in the field it will be applied), which is very attractive to many employers. Strong computer science skills and different approach to data analysis, based on scientific method, is what makes Data Scientists different from statisticians. At the same time, Python is becoming a language of choice for many data scientists, next to languages like Scala and statistical packages like R. It is also the first programming language many people learn, no matter their age. This course gives you a chance to quickly build up your Python skills, learn basics of how data scientist works and apply all this to a project on a real, large data sets. This course is highly practical.

Movement of the particles in a cell is a very complex dynamical process resulting from an intricate interplay of multiple components. At first sight, the trajectories of migrating particles resemble those of thermally driven Brownian particles. However, by analyzing the trajectories of various particles, one can empirically show that anomalous dynamics characterizes such movements. In fact, the characteristic properties of such anomalous diffusion can indicate differences between types of particles. Often, it is even possible to detect the presence of some extracellular component, e.g. a medication. To describe such anomalous dynamics, or the, so called, anomalous diffusion, one can use many different types of stochastic processes. The lectures will provide necessary mathematical and applicational background in this topic. During the laboratories participants will learn how to simulate considered models, estimate their properties and fit these models to real biological systems.

Graphs are mathematical objects playing an important role in modeling various complex systems. They have numerous applications in many branches of knowledge, including computer science, Big Data, social sciences and networks, biology, chemistry, physics, linguistics and many others. The purpose of this course is to give mathematical foundations of graph theory and show some of their applications. The theoretical part will include: basic notions and theorems in graph theory, elementary graph properties, Euler's Theorem, paths, walks and cycles, bipartite graphs, acyclic graphs and trees, planar graphs, directed graphs, random graphs and graph colorings. Applications will include: map colorings, minimum spanning tree algorithm, Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, sorting algorithms and random graph simulations. 

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025